" Not all of those who wander are lost"

If you are involved in any type of community service or volunteer efforts on the West Coast and need a helping hand feel free to contact me! I won't always have the ability to check my email so the further in advance, the better - Seblaw888@gmail.com

Friday, June 6, 2014


“Suppose we suddenly wake up and see that what we thought to be this and that, ain't this and that at all?” 

 I had caught fleeting glimpses of the truth many times in my life.  These glimpses had told me what I had subconsciously feared all along, that I was living a lie, an illusion fostered by my own environment.  This environment being both fabricated by my mind and fueled by my society.  Material possessions, the American culture and the comfort they provided had made me numb to what actually mattered in life.  I measured myself by my possessions and the fake friendships I had accumulated with people who were just as hollow as I was.  Self-indulgence was a way of life.  I only helped someone if I thought it would benefit me in some way.  I woke up a month ago and decided that it was time to let this truth I had been avoiding for years finally take hold of me and mold me into a better person .  It was time to force myself to change and to find out the true purpose of my life.  In order to allow this transformation to have a foundation I shed my old life. 

I just finished living in Las Vegas for two years, supporting myself as a professional poker player and if you can show me one town that is more symbolic of the decadence our culture encourages I will be shocked.  It really is sickening.  Living there was a necessary catalyst for my decision to live a life of a tramp, the whole city is a facade and at it's heart is nothing but emptiness, which slowly enveloped me. 

This blog will contain a detailed and uninhibited look into my transformation, I will hold nothing back.  I will also tell the stories of the people I meet (provided they give me permission) and the places I see.  I am starting out in L.A. and will be leather tramping my way up north, eventually ending up in Big Sur.  Big Sur is a town in California that has been heavily romanticized by our culture and I plan on seeing for myself if it lives up to it's reputation.  It is supposed to be a mecca for free spirits and alts of all walks.  I am excited.  After Big Sur I will continue to head north, wherever the road or rail takes me. 

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